About Us

Our approach to addiction treatment focuses on each individual’s unique journey through recovery.

Our Story

Knoxville Recovery Center was founded in 2022 and is part of Health Care Alliance NA, an addiction treatment provider that originated just two hours away in Asheville, NC. Our founders recognized the desperate need for on-site detox and residential addiction treatment in Knox County. Specifically, they envisioned a program prioritizing individualized and holistic care, valuing each person’s unique journey through recovery over simply treating them as a number or disease.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a family-like atmosphere for our clients, where they feel comfortable, cared for, and deeply connected with their therapists, case managers, and peers. Our founders and many of our staff have been through recovery themselves but couldn’t relate to the impersonal and apathetic nature of other centers. This is what sets Knoxville Recovery apart. Our on-site staff, who understand firsthand the challenges of recovery, are deeply invested in each client’s journey on a personal level. We maintain small caseloads with a high staff-to-client ratio to ensure everyone receives individualized care because, throughout our years of experience, we know that truly makes all the difference.